Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih lg Maha Penyayang
Selawat & salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW,keluarga & para sahabat baginda..
Cian blog sy ni kan...dilupakan oleh tuannya,hee..sorry!!
Rindunya dgn blog ni..*muahx2*
Cepatnya masa berlalu meninggalkan kita,esok da kne balik hostel..ari jumaat start sem5...mood study xdtg lg,huhuhu...marah sy skit,ish pemalasnya nini ni =PPP
Apa yg tlh sy buat sepanjang cuti ni??...urmm...ambil lesen kete (DA LULUS)..alhamdulillah..menerima kunjungan ziarah si dia (MENJADI MAJLIS MERISIK)...alhamdulillah...apa lg yea?...stdy?..betul2 stdy tu rasanya mcm xde..hee..terukkan..puasa ada buat kt uma,al-Quran pun tinggal skit nk abis..mungkin akan start yg baru lps bulan rejab ni *wink2*
.: My meow tomei2..di sah kn bunting,dia sgt tembam & boyot sekarang..1st bunting,yelah dia kn masih di awal remaja lg..hihihi :.
Rutin bila di uma..
Biasanya basuh kain,sidai kain,lipat kain,masak 2kali sehari..tuk tgari & after mgrib masak lg..sambil lipat kain tgk cite korea..*toing2* best!!..kalau rajin skit,sapu sampah,mop lantai..tu jelah...tapi ada jg yg seronok,pergi jln2 dgn abglong sekeluarga,jln2 dgn kakak,jln2 kt kuantan,jln2 kt sg lembing,jln2 kt bentong dgn si dia,ibu,ayah dan kwnnya ^^ suka jln2 mengelilingi dunia melihat kebesarannya..msia pun x abis round lg =PPP
.: Ibu zahra juga di sah kan hamil 5bulan...syoknya!!! :.
Sem5 akan bermula...ayuh bertukar ~
Bertukar apa???..tukarlah apa2 pun,asalkan berjaya ^^
*xsabar nk abis sem5,nk cuti lg...hehehehehehe*
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Cuti da abis..
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Biar sampai syurga
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang
Selawat dan salam ke atas Rasulullah SAW,keluarga & para sahabat baginda
Dengan rasa kasih saya menulis ayat2 ini untuk di tujukan kepada seorang insan yg telah berjaya mencuri hati saya ^_-
Saya ingat lagi akan saat pertama kali awak "interest" saya
Kemudian saya msg awak...hanya untuk suka2
& hati saya terlintas berkata kpd Allah "siapakah dia"
Gembiranya hati saya apabila awak reply msg saya,hanya Allah yg tahu
Salam perkenalan awak hulurkan...
dan bermulalah permulaan hubungan kita berdua
Saya begitu terharu kerana kita berdua begitu serasi
Mencari redha Allah adalah matlamat kita berdua
Saya sangat suka cara kita berdua bercinta...
Xde keluar berdua..tapi bersama keluarga...
Keluarga saya semua sukakan awak...
Alhamdulillah...saya rasa bahagia mengenali diri awak
Awak ternyata ikhlas untuk bersama dgn saya..
Sekarang saya sudah menjadi tunang awak..
Awak..terima kasih kerana sudi menerima diri saya
Terima kasih atas segalanya..
InsyaAllah pengorbanan yg awak lakukan saya x akan lupakan
Semoga hubungan ini diberkati oleh Allah sampai ke syurga
*Amiin ya rabbal 'alamin ^_-
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Moew ku Gediks!
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lg Maha Pemurah
Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Rasulullah SAW,keluarga dan para sahabatnya
Post ni bermotifkan luahan perasaan terhadap moew ku yg begitu gediksz...Betul, xpernah sepanjang pengalaman ku memelihara spesies kucing bertemu dgn kucing segedik dia..
Si dia yg bernama "si puteh"
Ngeee...mmg xtahan kegedikkannya..
Bayangkanlah, sudah letak makanannya dlm bekas dia tapi nk jugak bangunkan manusia yg nyenyak tidur di dlm rumah!!..salah satunya yg selalu menjadi mangsa adalah diriku ini,huhuhu...sebabnya pintu bilik xtutup...=P
Ok lah,bangunlah meninggalkan katil empuk tu untuk menghantar meow gediks tu ke dapur dan menunjukkan pinggannya yg sudah berisi makanan...ingat nk menyambung kembali mimpi indah tapi xlama kemudian si gediks itu kembali lg mengacau mimpi ku..dia naik atas badan, jilat dan gigit jari kaki & tangan..yg paling dahsyat tu cium2 kt muka ku ni..waaaa,tercemar...argh..bangun lg sekali ke dapur lg!..kali ini untuk teman dia makan..."ngada2 betul" kata ku di dlm hati yg xpuas hati ini..mmg membuatkan tidurku xtenteram...
Si Gediks ataupun Si Buntal ni bukannya nk makan byk pun,hanyalah beberapa suap aje..ala-ala sekadar mengalas perutnya yg da mmg boyot tu...tapi kalau tgk dia kejutkan org dr tidur, mcm da sebulan xmakan!
Hmmm.....xpelah, asalkan dia bahagia dan sihat (^^,) wlpn kadang2 tu xtahan sikit,heee...lg2 kalau 3,4 kali kacau diriku sedang tidur di mlm hari...kalau kacau di siang hari xpelah kn..
Yang saya suka adalah sesi semasa kami berdua mandi bersama..lama taw,dlm sejam jugak la..bukan senang nk mandikan Si Comel ni...saat diriku membalas dendamlah kononnya..hohoho...wink,wink @_-
Ok lah da penat mengutuk kucing sendiri, sekian (-_-')
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes
Look around yourselves
Can't you see this wonder
Spreaded in front of you
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue
Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony
Lets start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
The push it all aside..
We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day...
Keep us close to you
Until the end of time...
Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you're feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?
Lets start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
The push it all aside
Repeat "*"
When a baby's born
So helpless and weak
And you're watching him growing..
So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life..
Repeat "*"
You created everything
We belong to yo0u
YA RAB we raise our hands
Forever we thank you
Kisah saudara Islam Abu Bakar (dalam klip video you tube Maher Zain ini) yang mencari BUKTI di dalam mehahami konsep ketuhanan di dalam Islam.
Abu Bakr’s Way To Islam
The following is the true account of an Australian revert taken from the honours thesis of Sister Tuba Boz. His name is Abu Bakr, and while his name, like many of those of his fellow-reverts, is chosen for its meaning and its nearness to some aspect of Islam, or that of the life of the Prophet of Arabia, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), his story is truly that of an Australian young man with all his Australianism intact. And though he, himself, does not wish to be seen as other than a Muslim, it is, for fellow-Australians, encouragement and living proof of the Qur’anic ayat:
“ O mankind We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female,
And made you into nations and tribes,
That ye may know each other, Not that ye may despise (each other).
Verily the most honoured of you in the Sight of Allah
Is (he who is) the most righteous of you.
And Allah has full knowledge
And is well acquainted (with all things).”
Surah 49:13
If one had told Abu Bakr earlier, that he would one day become a Muslim, his reply would most probably have been, “Naah! No way!!!” for like many Australians his perception of Muslims was that they were terrorists. However, there is no accounting for the Mercy and Graciousness of Allah who leads to His Path those whom He wills from all peoples upon the earth; and Abu Bakr was to find this in due course.
When asked what had triggered his search to find the true meaning of life, for that was the primary aim of his quest, his response was this: “There were a couple of things. It was the year my parents said they were going to separate. It was not the year they formally divorced, but it was the year my Dad moved out of the house. I went a little off the rails. I (even) had trouble with the police.. . . I was drinking a lot.” It may be seen that this was a painful time for this young man. This was to be further compounded, for it was in this year that one of his friends died. Of this event he said: “That led me to think, ‘There’s my mate. He just died, and he is only eighteen years old! Is he just worm food?’ You know what I mean. That’s when I started relating it to my life, thinking, ‘If I died tomorrow what would it matter? What would it matter except to the few who know me among the billions on this Earth?’ So I started thinking, ‘No! There has to be more. There has to be more than just this!’”
It was with these questions in mind that Abu Bakr commenced his journey, looking to religion for the meaning of existence. He describes his experiences in this way:
“First, I mean, logically, I’m an Aussie, so I went straight to Christianity, and I thought I’d have that fish sticker on the back of my car, and “I love Jesus”. I was thinking I’d go buy them and see if they did something for my parking fine!” his waggish sense of humour bubbling to the fore. Then seriously he explains, “Honestly I went through all the (Christian) religions; well not all the religions, but the ones I had access to I investigated. Christianity, including Catholicism, I investigated quite a bit. But the problem was I just couldn’t find the answer. While they were all nice, I couldn’t sit there and say, ‘This is the religion for me!’ and ‘This sounds beautiful!’”
His search continued:
“I looked at Hinduism when I was working in a service station with some Hindu friends. We had conversations all the time. We didn’t argue because we were pretty good friends. One would say, ‘You have to believe in this god about this, and this god of that.’ I would go, ‘Come on man! What if they argue?’ He was not to know it, but his argument was one already mentioned in the Qur’an: “Allah hath not chosen any son, nor is there any god along with Him; else would each god have assuredly championed that which he created, and some of them would assuredly have overcome others. Glorified be Allah above all that they allege.” Surah 23:91
“Then I looked at Judaism. Again it didn’t get me in the way that I thought it would!”
“However, what started to get me was Buddhism. I thought, ‘This is really nice you know!’ But nowhere
could I read or see that Buddha was actually talking about himself. Not (other than) as a person that you
follow - not as a deity! And this was a religion. “So you know what I mean, it was just a nice way to be. It’s
not ‘This is the purpose of why you are here’. And while it was nice I thought, ‘This can’t be it either.’
“My friend, a Christian who had earlier said to ‘vow to God’, said, ‘Why don’t you try Islam?’
I said, ‘Naah man! They’re terrorists! I’m not going near a mosque. No way!’
“But I found myself near a mosque, Preston Mosque. I went in and started to ask questions. And basically every question I asked, no-one would answer from their minds, everyone was pulling out a Qur’an and saying, ‘Here it is.’ And that really surprised me because (almost) every time I went to a priest, I did not see the Bible once. They almost never pulled out the Bible, they were just, ‘Here’s your answer.’ This was the same with almost every religion. There were some who did read from the Bible a couple of times. But in the mosque, every single time - out came the Qur’an, and that got me. This is not about these people, it’s about the Book, and that’s when I started reading the Qur’an. It took months and months though, six to seven months. I had a lot of questions!”
At the end of these months how did this young man, now twenty years of age, decide to become Muslim?
The crucial moment of his conversion came one night, as he explained:
“One night I had just been speaking to a couple of Australian brothers at the mosque. They told me to take the Qur’an home and read it. I had already taken one, but they gave me this one with big letters - the other one I had was little and was harder to read. That night I sat in bed and lit a candle. I had the window open. It was a nice summer’s night. It had this atmosphere, this religious atmosphere. I was set, and I was sitting there thinking, ‘This is beautiful and very sacred!’
“Everything was really good and I started reading Qur’an and thinking, ‘This is very beautiful, it says exactly what I think it should say.’ It feels like it’s right you know, but I’m not quite there, you know! I just need a bit of a hand. And I sat back, Qur’an in hand, and said, ‘O God, give me a sign! But it has to be pretty good - like lightning,’ - and it was a clear summer’s night. ‘If you do lightning, I’m yours - I’m your servant. And maybe if you can’t do lightning - something like a crack or something; or a flash of light; or the candle! I would be pretty impressed if the candle just blew up to about two feet high, you know, like in the movies!”
“And I’m sitting there waiting!”. . . . .
“Nothing at all happened! Like I couldn’t even say a creak in the wall was my sign! So I’m sitting there pretty disappointed, and I’m angry . . Right? And I’m like, ‘God, I’m asking you. You’re supposed to be All-Powerful! Alright - I’m going to give you a second chance.’ Like that was a fair bit to ask - summer, lightning! ‘Okay, maybe like, a car can just backfire that goes past - that’s something that happens all the time, but at least I’ll know it’s for me.’ So I lowered my levels . . Right?
“Subhan’Allah!” (Exalted is Allah) he exclaims, shaking his head at the very thought of it. “And I’m sitting there thinking, ‘Alright!’ So I look around again - Nothing! All is so silent . . I could have been in space. Not even an ant made a noise, and by this time I was shattered, because this was the moment! I had thought, ‘This is it!’ you know, ‘This is my time!’ . . . And nothing happened!”
“So I’m sitting there, pretty disappointed, and I thought, ‘I may as well keep on reading Qur’an”. So I looked down and turned the page, and the very next ayat (verse) was something to the effect: For those of you who ask for signs, have I not shown you enough already? Look around at the sky, the trees, the water, these are your signs. These are the Signs for those who know!”
“Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day, and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of use to men, and the water which Allah sendeth down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between heaven and earth: are signs (of Allah's Sovereignty) for people who have sense.” Surah 2:162
“I was sitting down; I freaked out! I closed the Qur’an and chucked the quilt over my head. I was freaking out because here it was! You know what I mean?”
“So the next morning I went straight to the mosque and told them I wanted to become Muslim, because I had had my sign. I had it, even thought it was not my sign. I shouldn’t be arrogant and think I have a sign.
Isn’t the water my sign and all these things around me are signs, you know, that there is a Creator!”
With this in mind, one cannot help but wonder whether this young man had put aside all his previous fears of terrorism and danger which he and countless peoples perceive to be part of Islam and Muslims?
“That evening at the mosque there were all these Muslims there - heaps of people! And I’m thinking, ‘Look at this religion. So many people! They’re all so strong!’ Then I realised that it was the first night of Ramadan, the fasting month. They were all there to do their last prayer (for the day) you know. But I really did think this was amazing. So you see, my first real experience there was this. Quite honestly there must have been a thousand people at Preston Mosque that night, maybe more!
“While I was waiting to give the Shahadah (the declaration of faith) there at tarawih (the night prayer during Ramadan), I’m sitting there thinking, ‘If I get these words wrong I’m a dead man! They’re going to kill me!’
“So now I’m standing up there, in front of all these people, and Sheikh Fehmi says to me, ‘These are the words that you say,’ and so I started saying them. And I’ve got to admit that I was nervous before - but as soon as I started speaking the words, I felt like it was just me standing there by myself; like, that there was no-one else, and I felt, honestly, the only way I can describe this feeling is as if there is a shower on the inside of my head - a cold shower, going straight through my body. I’m standing there, hair standing on end . . . then all the brothers came and hugged me!”
One can only imagine the warmth and fellowship that this young brother experienced; such that fear of terrorism and its accompanying horrors melted away in the light of knowledge and the empathy of brotherhood which is peculiar to Islam alone. Is it not said: “He it is that hath strengthened thee (Muhammad) with His aid and with (the company of) the Believers. And (moreover) He hath put affection between their hearts: Not if thou hadst spent all that is in the earth, couldst thou have produced that affection, but Allah hath done it: for He is Exalted in might, Wise.”(Qur’an 8:62,63).
However, this was not all he learned, his education was just beginning:
“But you know, I didn’t even know how to pray! I had to fast - and I was still eating ham! I didn’t even know that you shouldn’t eat it - so I’m fasting and then eating, like, a whopper burger with ham. I didn’t know it was haram (forbidden) but I did know that you’re not supposed to eat from before sunrise until after sunset. You know, I was fasting, but it was pretty hard!”
So did Abu Bakr, his chosen Islamic name, finally reach his goal?
“I (now) know why I am here; what I am here to do; and what it is all about.”
When asked if becoming Muslim had changed his personality and his life his reply was:
“I feel like I am here for a different purpose, but I don’t think that if you met me when I was fifteen years old and then you met me now that you’d say, ‘Man! You have changed so much! You’re not the same person I knew before.’ I think I have carried through most of the person I always was. I just don’t do some things I used to do. And I don’t think in some ways about things that I used to think about. I think I’ve always been positive, but Islam has given me that (extra) - like if the guy outside put his bobcat through the house, I’d just go: ‘Subhan’Allah! I’ll have to fix that.’ It’s not like I’m going to go, ‘Oh why do you always do this to me?’ You know, it’s just a thing that is not so important. Probably my priorities are completely different. Like, before, it was all (about) me!”
Abu Bakr’s family received news of his reversion very positively: “My family was happy for me but concerned as to how this would change our relationship.” Of course friendships did not all stand the test: “I lost a few friends (so-called) as I no longer wanted to drink, go out, etc.”
Of reversion generally he stated: “I use the word revert because, I mean, everyone uses convert because that is just a Western ideal. You know (in the Western context) that you have converted to something. But when you look into Islam I guess you realise that the term Muslim just means it comes from Islam, Right? It is a statement of what you are. So Islam means to submit your will to God; to do what God asks you to do; whereas a Muslim is someone who is doing it. So if you are not doing what God has asked you, you are not a Muslim.
So, in effect, Muslim is not a noun, it’s a doing word (a verb). Therefore, my tree in the backyard is doing what God asked it. The tree is Muslim to me, you know! It’s submitting its will to God. Everything has energy. So when you’re born, you’re Muslim, you know! ‘I’m hungry’ - you cry - that’s Islamic you know,” he says laughing. “You are acting in accordance with your nature, and it’s only when you get a little bit older, and people teach you stuff, that you go away from Islam because you take on someone else’s ideals. Then when you want to come back, you revert, because you were already Muslim when you were born.”
So it was that in 1996 in Preston Victoria a young Australian man found that for which he was searching. His life has been quite eventful and it is noted that Abu Bakr is now a Psychologist and a Film maker. May it please Almighty Allah to continue to bless this young man.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
When I Open My Eyes
Today - When I Open My Eyes
Daughter, in present time, sees her parent's photo and time flashes back to when she was a child. I think her mother died when she was younger so her father takes care of her. Later on, she accidentally eats some pills thinking their candy and her life is cut short. Her father, devastated, commits suicide so she can receive one of his organs for a transplant. Having know that, it shifts back to present time where she reads his diary stating that he'll always love her.
Because I'm a girl
* Dah lama xtgk,sampai lupa...masa 1st masih budak2 lg..
~Translation (English)~
I just can't understand the ways
Of all the men and their mistakes
You give them all your heart
And then they rip it all away
You told me how much you loved me
And how our love was meant to be
And I believed in you
I thought that you would set me free
You should've just told me the truth
That I wasn't the girl for you
Still, I didn't have a clue
So my heart depended on you, whoa
Although I'll say I hate you now
Though I'll shout and curse you out
I'll always have love for you
Because I am a girl
Been told a man will leave you cold
Get sick of you and bored
I know that it's no lie
I gave my all, still I just cry
Never again will I be fooled
To give my all when nothing's true
I won't be played again
But I will fall in love again
I loved you so
Now you leave me in the cold
How could this be
I thought that you'd only love me
Into the night
I will pray that you're alright
You hurt me so
I just can't let you go
You took advantage of my willingness
To do anything for love
Now I'm the only one in pain
Will you please take it all away
Never thought being born a girl
How I can love you and be burned
And now I will build a wall
To never get torn again
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih lg Maha Pemurah
Selawat & salam ke atas Rasulullah SAW,keluarga & para sahabatnya
Mesti rasa pelik kan...ntah rasa dah lama nk tukar corak blog ni tapi xberkesempatan
Disebabkan tadi rasa xnk tangguh2 lg terus tukar...tunggang langgang kan,heee..
Xpelah nanti esok lusa saya akan kemas,sapu sampah habuk2 yg ade..
*ngantuklah,sambung esok la...aigOoo
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Aurat perempuan muslim dgn perempuan kafir
Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah lg Maha Penyayang
Selawat & salam ke atas Rasulullah Shalallahu alayhi wasalam,keluarga & para sahabatnya ( marilah selawat bersama-sama )
InysaAllah post ini bermanfaat bg wanita2 muslimah di luar sana, tapi kalau salah sila betulkan. Ini adalah salah satu persoalan yg bermain di kotak fikiran ni yg menyebabkan saya usaha mencari jawapannya...tapi masih menjadi sebuah persoalan
Islam telah menggariskan batasan aurat pada lelaki dan wanita.Aurat asas pada lelaki adalah menutup antara pusat dan lutut. Manakala aurat wanita pula adalah menutup seluruh badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan.
Aurat lelaki pada bila-bila masa dan apabila bersama-sama sesiapa pun adalah sama iaitu antara pusat dan lutut. Tetapi bagi wanita terdapat perbezaan dalam beberapa keadaan antaranya :
1. Aurat Ketika Sembahyang
Aurat wanita ketika sembahyang adalah menutup seluruh badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan.
2. Aurat Ketika Sendirian
Aurat wanita ketika mereka bersendirian adalah bahagian anggota pusat dan lutut. Ini bererti bahagian tubuh yang tidak boleh dilihat antara pusat dan lutut.
3. Aurat Ketika Bersama Mahram
Pada asasnya aurat seseorang wanita dengan mahramnya adalah antara pusat dan lutut. Walau pun begitu wanita dituntut agar menutup mana-mana bahagian tubuh badan yang boleh menaikkan syahwat lelaki walaupun mahram sendiri.
Perkara ini dilakukan bagi menjaga adab dan tatsusila wanita terutana dalam menjaga kehormatan agar perkara-perkara sumbang yang tidak diingini tidak akan berlaku.
Oleh itu, pakaian yang labuh dan menutup tubuh badan dapat menutup syahwat lelaki. Pakaian yang digalakkan walaupun semasa bersama mahram adalah pakaian yang lengkap dan labuh.
Syarak telah menggariskan golongan yang dianggap sebagai mahram kepada seseorang wanita iaitu :
2.Ayah,termasuk datuk belah ibu dan bapa
3.Ayah mertua
4.Anak-anak lelaki termasuk cucu sama ada dari anak lelaki atau perempuan
5. Anak-anak suami
Dalam perkara ini islam mengharuskan isteri bergaul dengan anak suami kerana wanita tersebut telah dianggap dan berperanan sebagai ibu kepada anak-anak suaminya.
6. Saudara lelaki kandung atau seibu atau sebapa
7. Anak saudara lelaki kerana mereka ini tidak boleh dinikahi selama-lamanya
8. Anak saudara dari saudara perempuan
9. Sesama wanita sama ada kaitan keturunan atau seagama
10. Hamba sahaya
11. Pelayan yang tidak ada nafsu syahwat
12. Anak-anak kecil yang belum mempunyai syahwat terhadap wanita. Walau pun begitu, bagi kanak-kanak yang telah mempunyai syahwat tetapi belum baligh, wanita dilarang menampakkan aurat terhadap mereka.
Al-quran dengan jelas menerangkan perkara ini dalam surah An-Nur ayat 31 yang bermaksud :
" Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka, dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya, dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka, dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka, atau bapa mertua mereka, atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan, dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka, dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya".
Imam Syafie berpendapat perhiasan yang dimaksudkan dalam ayat diatas terbahagi kepada dua makna iaitu:
1. Perhiasan yang bersifat semulajadi seperti muka,pipi,mulut,mata,bibir,hidung,kaki,betis,peha dan lain-lain anggota.
2. Perhiasan seperti pakaian,alat-alat solek,cincin,rantai leher, gelang kaki dan sebagainya.
Oleh itu, umat islam digalakkan mengawal diri agar tidak melanggar batasan-batasan yang telah digariskan oleh islam terutamanya dalam soal perhiasan dan berpakaian.
4.Aurat Ketika Di Hadapan Lelaki Bukan Mahram
Kewajipan menutup aurat dihadapan lelaki bukan mahram adalah amat penting dan perlu dilaksanakan oleh setiap wanita, bagi mengelak berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini seperti rogol dan sebagainya.
Perkara ini terjadi disebabkan memuncaknya nafsu para lelaki akibat dari penglihatan terhadap wanita yang memakai pakaian yang tidak senonoh dan mendedahkan sebahagian tubuh badan mereka.
Wanita yang bersuami pula, dengan terlaksanakan kewajipan ini, akan dapat membantu suami, yang mana dosa seorang isteri yang membuka aurat akan ditanggung oleh suami.
Oleh itu, wanita-wanita perlulah memahami batas-batas aurat ketika berhadapan dengan orang-orang yang tertentu dalam keadaan yang berbeza-beza.
5. Aurat Ketika Di Hadapan Wanita Kafir
Aurat wanita apabila berhadapan atau bergaul dengan wanita bukan islam adalah tutup keseluruhan tubuh badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda dalam sebuah hadis yang bermaksud : Abdullah bin Abbas ada menyatakan, Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda yang maksudnya : " Tidak halal kaum wanita islam itu dilihat oleh kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani".
6. Aurat Ketika Bersama Suami
Apabila seorang isteri bersama-sama dengan suaminya di tempat yang terlindung dari pandangan orang lain, maka islam telah memberi kelonggaran dengan tiada membataskan aurat pada suaminya.
Ini bererti suami dan isteri tiada sebarang batasan aurat terhadap mereka berdua. Isteri boleh mendedahkan seluruh anggota badannya bila berhadapan dengan suaminya.
Mu'awiyah bin Haidah mengatakan : "Aku pernah bertanya : Ya rasulullah , bagaimanakah aurat kami, apakah boleh dilihat oleh orang lain?". Baginda menjawab :"Jagalah auratmu kecuali terhadap isterimu atau hamba abdi milikmu". Aku bertanya lagi :" Ya rasulullah , bagaimanakah kalau ramai orang mandi bercampur-baur di satu tempat? " Baginda menjawab : "Berusahalah seboleh mungkin agar engkau tidak melihat auratmu". Aku masih bertanya lagi: " Ya rasulullah, bagaimanakah kalau orang mandi sendirian?" Baginda menjawab : " Seharuslah ia lebih malu kepada allah daripada malu kepada orang lain". (Hadis Riwayat Imam Ahmad dan Abu Daud)
- Sekadar renungan bersama -
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Cuti da abis..
Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih lg Maha Penyayang
Selawat & salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW,keluarga & para sahabat baginda..
Cian blog sy ni kan...dilupakan oleh tuannya,hee..sorry!!
Rindunya dgn blog ni..*muahx2*
Cepatnya masa berlalu meninggalkan kita,esok da kne balik hostel..ari jumaat start sem5...mood study xdtg lg,huhuhu...marah sy skit,ish pemalasnya nini ni =PPP
Apa yg tlh sy buat sepanjang cuti ni??...urmm...ambil lesen kete (DA LULUS)..alhamdulillah..menerima kunjungan ziarah si dia (MENJADI MAJLIS MERISIK)...alhamdulillah...apa lg yea?...stdy?..betul2 stdy tu rasanya mcm xde..hee..terukkan..puasa ada buat kt uma,al-Quran pun tinggal skit nk abis..mungkin akan start yg baru lps bulan rejab ni *wink2*
.: My meow tomei2..di sah kn bunting,dia sgt tembam & boyot sekarang..1st bunting,yelah dia kn masih di awal remaja lg..hihihi :.
Rutin bila di uma..
Biasanya basuh kain,sidai kain,lipat kain,masak 2kali sehari..tuk tgari & after mgrib masak lg..sambil lipat kain tgk cite korea..*toing2* best!!..kalau rajin skit,sapu sampah,mop lantai..tu jelah...tapi ada jg yg seronok,pergi jln2 dgn abglong sekeluarga,jln2 dgn kakak,jln2 kt kuantan,jln2 kt sg lembing,jln2 kt bentong dgn si dia,ibu,ayah dan kwnnya ^^ suka jln2 mengelilingi dunia melihat kebesarannya..msia pun x abis round lg =PPP
.: Ibu zahra juga di sah kan hamil 5bulan...syoknya!!! :.
Sem5 akan bermula...ayuh bertukar ~
Bertukar apa???..tukarlah apa2 pun,asalkan berjaya ^^
*xsabar nk abis sem5,nk cuti lg...hehehehehehe*
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Biar sampai syurga
Selawat dan salam ke atas Rasulullah SAW,keluarga & para sahabat baginda
Dengan rasa kasih saya menulis ayat2 ini untuk di tujukan kepada seorang insan yg telah berjaya mencuri hati saya ^_-
Saya ingat lagi akan saat pertama kali awak "interest" saya
Kemudian saya msg awak...hanya untuk suka2
& hati saya terlintas berkata kpd Allah "siapakah dia"
Gembiranya hati saya apabila awak reply msg saya,hanya Allah yg tahu
Salam perkenalan awak hulurkan...
dan bermulalah permulaan hubungan kita berdua
Saya begitu terharu kerana kita berdua begitu serasi
Mencari redha Allah adalah matlamat kita berdua
Saya sangat suka cara kita berdua bercinta...
Xde keluar berdua..tapi bersama keluarga...
Keluarga saya semua sukakan awak...
Alhamdulillah...saya rasa bahagia mengenali diri awak
Awak ternyata ikhlas untuk bersama dgn saya..
Sekarang saya sudah menjadi tunang awak..
Awak..terima kasih kerana sudi menerima diri saya
Terima kasih atas segalanya..
InsyaAllah pengorbanan yg awak lakukan saya x akan lupakan
Semoga hubungan ini diberkati oleh Allah sampai ke syurga
*Amiin ya rabbal 'alamin ^_-
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Moew ku Gediks!
Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lg Maha Pemurah
Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Rasulullah SAW,keluarga dan para sahabatnya
Post ni bermotifkan luahan perasaan terhadap moew ku yg begitu gediksz...Betul, xpernah sepanjang pengalaman ku memelihara spesies kucing bertemu dgn kucing segedik dia..
Si dia yg bernama "si puteh"
Ngeee...mmg xtahan kegedikkannya..
Bayangkanlah, sudah letak makanannya dlm bekas dia tapi nk jugak bangunkan manusia yg nyenyak tidur di dlm rumah!!..salah satunya yg selalu menjadi mangsa adalah diriku ini,huhuhu...sebabnya pintu bilik xtutup...=P
Ok lah,bangunlah meninggalkan katil empuk tu untuk menghantar meow gediks tu ke dapur dan menunjukkan pinggannya yg sudah berisi makanan...ingat nk menyambung kembali mimpi indah tapi xlama kemudian si gediks itu kembali lg mengacau mimpi ku..dia naik atas badan, jilat dan gigit jari kaki & tangan..yg paling dahsyat tu cium2 kt muka ku ni..waaaa,tercemar...argh..bangun lg sekali ke dapur lg!..kali ini untuk teman dia makan..."ngada2 betul" kata ku di dlm hati yg xpuas hati ini..mmg membuatkan tidurku xtenteram...
Si Gediks ataupun Si Buntal ni bukannya nk makan byk pun,hanyalah beberapa suap aje..ala-ala sekadar mengalas perutnya yg da mmg boyot tu...tapi kalau tgk dia kejutkan org dr tidur, mcm da sebulan xmakan!
Hmmm.....xpelah, asalkan dia bahagia dan sihat (^^,) wlpn kadang2 tu xtahan sikit,heee...lg2 kalau 3,4 kali kacau diriku sedang tidur di mlm hari...kalau kacau di siang hari xpelah kn..
Yang saya suka adalah sesi semasa kami berdua mandi bersama..lama taw,dlm sejam jugak la..bukan senang nk mandikan Si Comel ni...saat diriku membalas dendamlah kononnya..hohoho...wink,wink @_-
Ok lah da penat mengutuk kucing sendiri, sekian (-_-')
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes
Look around yourselves
Can't you see this wonder
Spreaded in front of you
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue
Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony
Lets start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
The push it all aside..
We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day...
Keep us close to you
Until the end of time...
Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you're feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?
Lets start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
The push it all aside
Repeat "*"
When a baby's born
So helpless and weak
And you're watching him growing..
So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life..
Repeat "*"
You created everything
We belong to yo0u
YA RAB we raise our hands
Forever we thank you
Kisah saudara Islam Abu Bakar (dalam klip video you tube Maher Zain ini) yang mencari BUKTI di dalam mehahami konsep ketuhanan di dalam Islam.
Abu Bakr’s Way To Islam
The following is the true account of an Australian revert taken from the honours thesis of Sister Tuba Boz. His name is Abu Bakr, and while his name, like many of those of his fellow-reverts, is chosen for its meaning and its nearness to some aspect of Islam, or that of the life of the Prophet of Arabia, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), his story is truly that of an Australian young man with all his Australianism intact. And though he, himself, does not wish to be seen as other than a Muslim, it is, for fellow-Australians, encouragement and living proof of the Qur’anic ayat:
“ O mankind We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female,
And made you into nations and tribes,
That ye may know each other, Not that ye may despise (each other).
Verily the most honoured of you in the Sight of Allah
Is (he who is) the most righteous of you.
And Allah has full knowledge
And is well acquainted (with all things).”
Surah 49:13
If one had told Abu Bakr earlier, that he would one day become a Muslim, his reply would most probably have been, “Naah! No way!!!” for like many Australians his perception of Muslims was that they were terrorists. However, there is no accounting for the Mercy and Graciousness of Allah who leads to His Path those whom He wills from all peoples upon the earth; and Abu Bakr was to find this in due course.
When asked what had triggered his search to find the true meaning of life, for that was the primary aim of his quest, his response was this: “There were a couple of things. It was the year my parents said they were going to separate. It was not the year they formally divorced, but it was the year my Dad moved out of the house. I went a little off the rails. I (even) had trouble with the police.. . . I was drinking a lot.” It may be seen that this was a painful time for this young man. This was to be further compounded, for it was in this year that one of his friends died. Of this event he said: “That led me to think, ‘There’s my mate. He just died, and he is only eighteen years old! Is he just worm food?’ You know what I mean. That’s when I started relating it to my life, thinking, ‘If I died tomorrow what would it matter? What would it matter except to the few who know me among the billions on this Earth?’ So I started thinking, ‘No! There has to be more. There has to be more than just this!’”
It was with these questions in mind that Abu Bakr commenced his journey, looking to religion for the meaning of existence. He describes his experiences in this way:
“First, I mean, logically, I’m an Aussie, so I went straight to Christianity, and I thought I’d have that fish sticker on the back of my car, and “I love Jesus”. I was thinking I’d go buy them and see if they did something for my parking fine!” his waggish sense of humour bubbling to the fore. Then seriously he explains, “Honestly I went through all the (Christian) religions; well not all the religions, but the ones I had access to I investigated. Christianity, including Catholicism, I investigated quite a bit. But the problem was I just couldn’t find the answer. While they were all nice, I couldn’t sit there and say, ‘This is the religion for me!’ and ‘This sounds beautiful!’”
His search continued:
“I looked at Hinduism when I was working in a service station with some Hindu friends. We had conversations all the time. We didn’t argue because we were pretty good friends. One would say, ‘You have to believe in this god about this, and this god of that.’ I would go, ‘Come on man! What if they argue?’ He was not to know it, but his argument was one already mentioned in the Qur’an: “Allah hath not chosen any son, nor is there any god along with Him; else would each god have assuredly championed that which he created, and some of them would assuredly have overcome others. Glorified be Allah above all that they allege.” Surah 23:91
“Then I looked at Judaism. Again it didn’t get me in the way that I thought it would!”
“However, what started to get me was Buddhism. I thought, ‘This is really nice you know!’ But nowhere
could I read or see that Buddha was actually talking about himself. Not (other than) as a person that you
follow - not as a deity! And this was a religion. “So you know what I mean, it was just a nice way to be. It’s
not ‘This is the purpose of why you are here’. And while it was nice I thought, ‘This can’t be it either.’
“My friend, a Christian who had earlier said to ‘vow to God’, said, ‘Why don’t you try Islam?’
I said, ‘Naah man! They’re terrorists! I’m not going near a mosque. No way!’
“But I found myself near a mosque, Preston Mosque. I went in and started to ask questions. And basically every question I asked, no-one would answer from their minds, everyone was pulling out a Qur’an and saying, ‘Here it is.’ And that really surprised me because (almost) every time I went to a priest, I did not see the Bible once. They almost never pulled out the Bible, they were just, ‘Here’s your answer.’ This was the same with almost every religion. There were some who did read from the Bible a couple of times. But in the mosque, every single time - out came the Qur’an, and that got me. This is not about these people, it’s about the Book, and that’s when I started reading the Qur’an. It took months and months though, six to seven months. I had a lot of questions!”
At the end of these months how did this young man, now twenty years of age, decide to become Muslim?
The crucial moment of his conversion came one night, as he explained:
“One night I had just been speaking to a couple of Australian brothers at the mosque. They told me to take the Qur’an home and read it. I had already taken one, but they gave me this one with big letters - the other one I had was little and was harder to read. That night I sat in bed and lit a candle. I had the window open. It was a nice summer’s night. It had this atmosphere, this religious atmosphere. I was set, and I was sitting there thinking, ‘This is beautiful and very sacred!’
“Everything was really good and I started reading Qur’an and thinking, ‘This is very beautiful, it says exactly what I think it should say.’ It feels like it’s right you know, but I’m not quite there, you know! I just need a bit of a hand. And I sat back, Qur’an in hand, and said, ‘O God, give me a sign! But it has to be pretty good - like lightning,’ - and it was a clear summer’s night. ‘If you do lightning, I’m yours - I’m your servant. And maybe if you can’t do lightning - something like a crack or something; or a flash of light; or the candle! I would be pretty impressed if the candle just blew up to about two feet high, you know, like in the movies!”
“And I’m sitting there waiting!”. . . . .
“Nothing at all happened! Like I couldn’t even say a creak in the wall was my sign! So I’m sitting there pretty disappointed, and I’m angry . . Right? And I’m like, ‘God, I’m asking you. You’re supposed to be All-Powerful! Alright - I’m going to give you a second chance.’ Like that was a fair bit to ask - summer, lightning! ‘Okay, maybe like, a car can just backfire that goes past - that’s something that happens all the time, but at least I’ll know it’s for me.’ So I lowered my levels . . Right?
“Subhan’Allah!” (Exalted is Allah) he exclaims, shaking his head at the very thought of it. “And I’m sitting there thinking, ‘Alright!’ So I look around again - Nothing! All is so silent . . I could have been in space. Not even an ant made a noise, and by this time I was shattered, because this was the moment! I had thought, ‘This is it!’ you know, ‘This is my time!’ . . . And nothing happened!”
“So I’m sitting there, pretty disappointed, and I thought, ‘I may as well keep on reading Qur’an”. So I looked down and turned the page, and the very next ayat (verse) was something to the effect: For those of you who ask for signs, have I not shown you enough already? Look around at the sky, the trees, the water, these are your signs. These are the Signs for those who know!”
“Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day, and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of use to men, and the water which Allah sendeth down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between heaven and earth: are signs (of Allah's Sovereignty) for people who have sense.” Surah 2:162
“I was sitting down; I freaked out! I closed the Qur’an and chucked the quilt over my head. I was freaking out because here it was! You know what I mean?”
“So the next morning I went straight to the mosque and told them I wanted to become Muslim, because I had had my sign. I had it, even thought it was not my sign. I shouldn’t be arrogant and think I have a sign.
Isn’t the water my sign and all these things around me are signs, you know, that there is a Creator!”
With this in mind, one cannot help but wonder whether this young man had put aside all his previous fears of terrorism and danger which he and countless peoples perceive to be part of Islam and Muslims?
“That evening at the mosque there were all these Muslims there - heaps of people! And I’m thinking, ‘Look at this religion. So many people! They’re all so strong!’ Then I realised that it was the first night of Ramadan, the fasting month. They were all there to do their last prayer (for the day) you know. But I really did think this was amazing. So you see, my first real experience there was this. Quite honestly there must have been a thousand people at Preston Mosque that night, maybe more!
“While I was waiting to give the Shahadah (the declaration of faith) there at tarawih (the night prayer during Ramadan), I’m sitting there thinking, ‘If I get these words wrong I’m a dead man! They’re going to kill me!’
“So now I’m standing up there, in front of all these people, and Sheikh Fehmi says to me, ‘These are the words that you say,’ and so I started saying them. And I’ve got to admit that I was nervous before - but as soon as I started speaking the words, I felt like it was just me standing there by myself; like, that there was no-one else, and I felt, honestly, the only way I can describe this feeling is as if there is a shower on the inside of my head - a cold shower, going straight through my body. I’m standing there, hair standing on end . . . then all the brothers came and hugged me!”
One can only imagine the warmth and fellowship that this young brother experienced; such that fear of terrorism and its accompanying horrors melted away in the light of knowledge and the empathy of brotherhood which is peculiar to Islam alone. Is it not said: “He it is that hath strengthened thee (Muhammad) with His aid and with (the company of) the Believers. And (moreover) He hath put affection between their hearts: Not if thou hadst spent all that is in the earth, couldst thou have produced that affection, but Allah hath done it: for He is Exalted in might, Wise.”(Qur’an 8:62,63).
However, this was not all he learned, his education was just beginning:
“But you know, I didn’t even know how to pray! I had to fast - and I was still eating ham! I didn’t even know that you shouldn’t eat it - so I’m fasting and then eating, like, a whopper burger with ham. I didn’t know it was haram (forbidden) but I did know that you’re not supposed to eat from before sunrise until after sunset. You know, I was fasting, but it was pretty hard!”
So did Abu Bakr, his chosen Islamic name, finally reach his goal?
“I (now) know why I am here; what I am here to do; and what it is all about.”
When asked if becoming Muslim had changed his personality and his life his reply was:
“I feel like I am here for a different purpose, but I don’t think that if you met me when I was fifteen years old and then you met me now that you’d say, ‘Man! You have changed so much! You’re not the same person I knew before.’ I think I have carried through most of the person I always was. I just don’t do some things I used to do. And I don’t think in some ways about things that I used to think about. I think I’ve always been positive, but Islam has given me that (extra) - like if the guy outside put his bobcat through the house, I’d just go: ‘Subhan’Allah! I’ll have to fix that.’ It’s not like I’m going to go, ‘Oh why do you always do this to me?’ You know, it’s just a thing that is not so important. Probably my priorities are completely different. Like, before, it was all (about) me!”
Abu Bakr’s family received news of his reversion very positively: “My family was happy for me but concerned as to how this would change our relationship.” Of course friendships did not all stand the test: “I lost a few friends (so-called) as I no longer wanted to drink, go out, etc.”
Of reversion generally he stated: “I use the word revert because, I mean, everyone uses convert because that is just a Western ideal. You know (in the Western context) that you have converted to something. But when you look into Islam I guess you realise that the term Muslim just means it comes from Islam, Right? It is a statement of what you are. So Islam means to submit your will to God; to do what God asks you to do; whereas a Muslim is someone who is doing it. So if you are not doing what God has asked you, you are not a Muslim.
So, in effect, Muslim is not a noun, it’s a doing word (a verb). Therefore, my tree in the backyard is doing what God asked it. The tree is Muslim to me, you know! It’s submitting its will to God. Everything has energy. So when you’re born, you’re Muslim, you know! ‘I’m hungry’ - you cry - that’s Islamic you know,” he says laughing. “You are acting in accordance with your nature, and it’s only when you get a little bit older, and people teach you stuff, that you go away from Islam because you take on someone else’s ideals. Then when you want to come back, you revert, because you were already Muslim when you were born.”
So it was that in 1996 in Preston Victoria a young Australian man found that for which he was searching. His life has been quite eventful and it is noted that Abu Bakr is now a Psychologist and a Film maker. May it please Almighty Allah to continue to bless this young man.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
When I Open My Eyes
Today - When I Open My Eyes
Daughter, in present time, sees her parent's photo and time flashes back to when she was a child. I think her mother died when she was younger so her father takes care of her. Later on, she accidentally eats some pills thinking their candy and her life is cut short. Her father, devastated, commits suicide so she can receive one of his organs for a transplant. Having know that, it shifts back to present time where she reads his diary stating that he'll always love her.
Because I'm a girl
* Dah lama xtgk,sampai lupa...masa 1st masih budak2 lg..
~Translation (English)~
I just can't understand the ways
Of all the men and their mistakes
You give them all your heart
And then they rip it all away
You told me how much you loved me
And how our love was meant to be
And I believed in you
I thought that you would set me free
You should've just told me the truth
That I wasn't the girl for you
Still, I didn't have a clue
So my heart depended on you, whoa
Although I'll say I hate you now
Though I'll shout and curse you out
I'll always have love for you
Because I am a girl
Been told a man will leave you cold
Get sick of you and bored
I know that it's no lie
I gave my all, still I just cry
Never again will I be fooled
To give my all when nothing's true
I won't be played again
But I will fall in love again
I loved you so
Now you leave me in the cold
How could this be
I thought that you'd only love me
Into the night
I will pray that you're alright
You hurt me so
I just can't let you go
You took advantage of my willingness
To do anything for love
Now I'm the only one in pain
Will you please take it all away
Never thought being born a girl
How I can love you and be burned
And now I will build a wall
To never get torn again
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih lg Maha Pemurah
Selawat & salam ke atas Rasulullah SAW,keluarga & para sahabatnya
Mesti rasa pelik kan...ntah rasa dah lama nk tukar corak blog ni tapi xberkesempatan
Disebabkan tadi rasa xnk tangguh2 lg terus tukar...tunggang langgang kan,heee..
Xpelah nanti esok lusa saya akan kemas,sapu sampah habuk2 yg ade..

*ngantuklah,sambung esok la...aigOoo
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Aurat perempuan muslim dgn perempuan kafir
Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah lg Maha Penyayang
Selawat & salam ke atas Rasulullah Shalallahu alayhi wasalam,keluarga & para sahabatnya ( marilah selawat bersama-sama )
InysaAllah post ini bermanfaat bg wanita2 muslimah di luar sana, tapi kalau salah sila betulkan. Ini adalah salah satu persoalan yg bermain di kotak fikiran ni yg menyebabkan saya usaha mencari jawapannya...tapi masih menjadi sebuah persoalan
Islam telah menggariskan batasan aurat pada lelaki dan wanita.Aurat asas pada lelaki adalah menutup antara pusat dan lutut. Manakala aurat wanita pula adalah menutup seluruh badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan.
Aurat lelaki pada bila-bila masa dan apabila bersama-sama sesiapa pun adalah sama iaitu antara pusat dan lutut. Tetapi bagi wanita terdapat perbezaan dalam beberapa keadaan antaranya :
1. Aurat Ketika Sembahyang
Aurat wanita ketika sembahyang adalah menutup seluruh badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan.
2. Aurat Ketika Sendirian
Aurat wanita ketika mereka bersendirian adalah bahagian anggota pusat dan lutut. Ini bererti bahagian tubuh yang tidak boleh dilihat antara pusat dan lutut.
3. Aurat Ketika Bersama Mahram
Pada asasnya aurat seseorang wanita dengan mahramnya adalah antara pusat dan lutut. Walau pun begitu wanita dituntut agar menutup mana-mana bahagian tubuh badan yang boleh menaikkan syahwat lelaki walaupun mahram sendiri.
Perkara ini dilakukan bagi menjaga adab dan tatsusila wanita terutana dalam menjaga kehormatan agar perkara-perkara sumbang yang tidak diingini tidak akan berlaku.
Oleh itu, pakaian yang labuh dan menutup tubuh badan dapat menutup syahwat lelaki. Pakaian yang digalakkan walaupun semasa bersama mahram adalah pakaian yang lengkap dan labuh.
Syarak telah menggariskan golongan yang dianggap sebagai mahram kepada seseorang wanita iaitu :
2.Ayah,termasuk datuk belah ibu dan bapa
3.Ayah mertua
4.Anak-anak lelaki termasuk cucu sama ada dari anak lelaki atau perempuan
5. Anak-anak suami
Dalam perkara ini islam mengharuskan isteri bergaul dengan anak suami kerana wanita tersebut telah dianggap dan berperanan sebagai ibu kepada anak-anak suaminya.
6. Saudara lelaki kandung atau seibu atau sebapa
7. Anak saudara lelaki kerana mereka ini tidak boleh dinikahi selama-lamanya
8. Anak saudara dari saudara perempuan
9. Sesama wanita sama ada kaitan keturunan atau seagama
10. Hamba sahaya
11. Pelayan yang tidak ada nafsu syahwat
12. Anak-anak kecil yang belum mempunyai syahwat terhadap wanita. Walau pun begitu, bagi kanak-kanak yang telah mempunyai syahwat tetapi belum baligh, wanita dilarang menampakkan aurat terhadap mereka.
Al-quran dengan jelas menerangkan perkara ini dalam surah An-Nur ayat 31 yang bermaksud :
" Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka, dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya, dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka, dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka, atau bapa mertua mereka, atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan, dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka, dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya".
Imam Syafie berpendapat perhiasan yang dimaksudkan dalam ayat diatas terbahagi kepada dua makna iaitu:
1. Perhiasan yang bersifat semulajadi seperti muka,pipi,mulut,mata,bibir,hidung,kaki,betis,peha dan lain-lain anggota.
2. Perhiasan seperti pakaian,alat-alat solek,cincin,rantai leher, gelang kaki dan sebagainya.
Oleh itu, umat islam digalakkan mengawal diri agar tidak melanggar batasan-batasan yang telah digariskan oleh islam terutamanya dalam soal perhiasan dan berpakaian.
4.Aurat Ketika Di Hadapan Lelaki Bukan Mahram
Kewajipan menutup aurat dihadapan lelaki bukan mahram adalah amat penting dan perlu dilaksanakan oleh setiap wanita, bagi mengelak berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini seperti rogol dan sebagainya.
Perkara ini terjadi disebabkan memuncaknya nafsu para lelaki akibat dari penglihatan terhadap wanita yang memakai pakaian yang tidak senonoh dan mendedahkan sebahagian tubuh badan mereka.
Wanita yang bersuami pula, dengan terlaksanakan kewajipan ini, akan dapat membantu suami, yang mana dosa seorang isteri yang membuka aurat akan ditanggung oleh suami.
Oleh itu, wanita-wanita perlulah memahami batas-batas aurat ketika berhadapan dengan orang-orang yang tertentu dalam keadaan yang berbeza-beza.
5. Aurat Ketika Di Hadapan Wanita Kafir
Aurat wanita apabila berhadapan atau bergaul dengan wanita bukan islam adalah tutup keseluruhan tubuh badan kecuali muka dan tapak tangan.
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda dalam sebuah hadis yang bermaksud : Abdullah bin Abbas ada menyatakan, Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda yang maksudnya : " Tidak halal kaum wanita islam itu dilihat oleh kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani".
6. Aurat Ketika Bersama Suami
Apabila seorang isteri bersama-sama dengan suaminya di tempat yang terlindung dari pandangan orang lain, maka islam telah memberi kelonggaran dengan tiada membataskan aurat pada suaminya.
Ini bererti suami dan isteri tiada sebarang batasan aurat terhadap mereka berdua. Isteri boleh mendedahkan seluruh anggota badannya bila berhadapan dengan suaminya.
Mu'awiyah bin Haidah mengatakan : "Aku pernah bertanya : Ya rasulullah , bagaimanakah aurat kami, apakah boleh dilihat oleh orang lain?". Baginda menjawab :"Jagalah auratmu kecuali terhadap isterimu atau hamba abdi milikmu". Aku bertanya lagi :" Ya rasulullah , bagaimanakah kalau ramai orang mandi bercampur-baur di satu tempat? " Baginda menjawab : "Berusahalah seboleh mungkin agar engkau tidak melihat auratmu". Aku masih bertanya lagi: " Ya rasulullah, bagaimanakah kalau orang mandi sendirian?" Baginda menjawab : " Seharuslah ia lebih malu kepada allah daripada malu kepada orang lain". (Hadis Riwayat Imam Ahmad dan Abu Daud)
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