Friday, September 03, 2010

Muscle Tone


Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih lg Maha Penyayang
Selawat & salam ke atas kekasih Allah Nabi Muhammad SAW,keluarga & para sahabatnya


Muscle tone...
Botulinum toxic..(botox)

Antara soalan favourite yg ditanya semasa case presentation...mcm ni lah rupa apb ditanya & xdpt dijwb....:minimo_22:...hihihi,ok dgn ni sy telah melakukan sedikit investigation about this problem..& adakah to normalize muscle tone itu adalah salah???

Before answer semua soalan di bwh..1st must know about muscle tone...normal muscle tone because nak handle abnormal muscle tone

Muscle tone is generally defined as the passive resistance to a change in length, in other words it refers to the stiffness of the muscle

Disorder in the nervous system...

1) Why some patient gets > muscle tone? (stroke pt,sci pt.....)

2) Why some patient gets <>..what causes it?
Hypotonia usually = joint hypermobility
Ok..low muscle tone bermaksud kekurangan daya tahan otot dari di regang/ xdpt nk hold / refers to a < class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;font-size:100%;color:#494949;">...yg mungkin disebabkan struktur pd otot atau masalah pd neural systems yg control signals antara otot - spinal cord - brain.Clinically muscle tone is assessed by passively moving the limb and feeling the resistance to the movement, as well as by palpating the muscle for firmness.When a muscle is completely relaxed the stiffness (ie the resistance to lengthening) depends on the structure of the connective tissue elements of the muscle as well as the large elastic protein titin (a component of the muscle cell). This passive stiffness provides the limbs and trunk with a degree of inherent stability. Children with joint hypermobility lack this inherent stability and their muscles have to work harder to maintain positions.

3) How to > or <>

*To be cont...hee..wink2


Friday, September 03, 2010

Muscle Tone

Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pengasih lg Maha Penyayang
Selawat & salam ke atas kekasih Allah Nabi Muhammad SAW,keluarga & para sahabatnya


Muscle tone...
Botulinum toxic..(botox)

Antara soalan favourite yg ditanya semasa case presentation...mcm ni lah rupa apb ditanya & xdpt dijwb....:minimo_22:...hihihi,ok dgn ni sy telah melakukan sedikit investigation about this problem..& adakah to normalize muscle tone itu adalah salah???

Before answer semua soalan di bwh..1st must know about muscle tone...normal muscle tone because nak handle abnormal muscle tone

Muscle tone is generally defined as the passive resistance to a change in length, in other words it refers to the stiffness of the muscle

Disorder in the nervous system...

1) Why some patient gets > muscle tone? (stroke pt,sci pt.....)

2) Why some patient gets <>..what causes it?
Hypotonia usually = joint hypermobility
Ok..low muscle tone bermaksud kekurangan daya tahan otot dari di regang/ xdpt nk hold / refers to a < class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;font-size:100%;color:#494949;">...yg mungkin disebabkan struktur pd otot atau masalah pd neural systems yg control signals antara otot - spinal cord - brain.Clinically muscle tone is assessed by passively moving the limb and feeling the resistance to the movement, as well as by palpating the muscle for firmness.When a muscle is completely relaxed the stiffness (ie the resistance to lengthening) depends on the structure of the connective tissue elements of the muscle as well as the large elastic protein titin (a component of the muscle cell). This passive stiffness provides the limbs and trunk with a degree of inherent stability. Children with joint hypermobility lack this inherent stability and their muscles have to work harder to maintain positions.

3) How to > or <>

*To be cont...hee..wink2

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